
Baby Cheyane

Cheyane did so good on her photo shoot today. She was a very sleepy baby, and did not put up a big fuss. Here are some of my favorites of this precious little angel.


Ready for Baby Autumn

My cousin has since had her baby. I haven't saw her in person yet, but she is so beautiful in her pictures. Congrats Courtney!

April's Bridal Session

I can post these now that the wedding is all over. Although it was extremely HOT, we got some beautiful shots. We will also be doing a "Trash the Dress" session soon.

E-Session April & John

These two love birds met in High School and are now getting married. Here are a few of my favorites from their engagement session. It was soooooooo hot that day, but they were troopers.

Ashley Lee

My photo
Houston, TX, United States