
Christmas Photos!!!

I took Cheyane's baby pictures just a few months ago and this little girl is getting big. She has such a sweet little face. She loves her big brother and mommy. Daddy is currently deployed and won't be home till June. Merry Christmas!!!


Barerra Family

Happy Fall Barera family! The weather was just perfect this afternoon for some Fall family pictures. It was great to see all of you. Here are a few of my favorites from your session.



This little cutie just turned 3 years old. The weather was beautiful today and not hot at all. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.


Baby Cheyane

Cheyane did so good on her photo shoot today. She was a very sleepy baby, and did not put up a big fuss. Here are some of my favorites of this precious little angel.

Ashley Lee

My photo
Houston, TX, United States